
This is the place for you if you….

  • Are looking for an Indianapolis Doula who can support you in each stage of your journey

  • Desire support which puts you as the expert of your own body & baby, tailored to your unique journey

  • Are looking for one place to find all the information you need to prepare for your birth.

  • Want support which is holistic, values alternative medicine, and empowers you in your choices.

Hi, I’m Kathleen & I specialize in birth doula support, coaching, and holistic perinatal support in the Indianapolis area. Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum is a time in your life where you will get the most attention, yet the experience can feel so lonely, confusing, and overwhelming being rushed through this appointment or this decision. As your doula, my job is to be a person who gives you the time and space to slow down and process your experience, help you find clarity and grounding, and help keep your goals and desires as the priority no matter what happens, and give you the physical, emotional and spiritual support you need throughout your journey. No birth plan is better than another, all that matters is that you feel 100% and continuously supported, informed, and safe in your birth journey.

KATHLEEN IS CERTIFIED in Holistic Perinatal Health, Full Spectrum Doula, GentleBirth Hypnobirthing, Reiki II, Essential Oils, Firstmoon Circle Facilitation, & Women’s Circle Facilitation

Prenatal Support

All the prenatal support you get in the Birth Support package. But some moms just want Prenatal Support. Get help managing appointments, birth planning, partner prep and more all the way up until you go into labor

My Birth Support is my passion. True birth support is more than just showing up for you in labor. With my birth support you will get full support from me prenatally, during birth, and postpartum. Click the link below to learn more about how you can invest in starting your motherhood journey by having a fellow woman in your corner.

Birth Support

South Asian/Indian Doula Support

My unique life experience allows me to offer South Asian mothers with unique support from a doula who understands their culture, family dynamics, values, and religious beliefs.

What Moms are Saying

  • "During pregnancy, she would follow up after my doctor appointments and check up on what I needed based on the information. She recommended alternative therapies and useful apps that could benefit me. She also acted as a good listener at times when your hormones are wreaking havoc and your body is changing every day. "

    1:1 Pregnancy Support

  • "While in the hospital, she was there to support me virtually while I had to make critical decisions related to birth. She shared several birth positions and labor inducing exercises that I could try in the hospital room. "

    Virtual Doula Support for Labor Induction

  • "Postpartum her support was truly unmatched. She checked up on me every few hours. She provided support with almost anything I needed whether it was breastfeeding issues or simply emotional support that may be severely lacking for most women during this time. She went above and beyond what any postpartum doula would do and continued with regular check-ins for several weeks past birth. "

    Virtual Postpartum Support & Consults

Work with Kathleen

Want to work with me, but not sure which services are right for you? Sign-up below for your free 30 min Coaching Session today!